The RA/T is supervised and mentored by a staff scientist or engineer responsible for the overall research program of which the DRSA project is a part. At the beginning of the term, as the project is being prepared, the RA/T interacts closely with the supervisor to define a research project that can be carried out safely by two DRSA high school students.
The supervisor is almost always located in the same building as the RA/T and frequently will share the same laboratory, so the interaction is usually quite close and immediate. Mentoring takes place on a continuous basis as the RA/T prepares the project for the DRSA students and receives any necessary training on laboratory techniques and equipment.

Research Assistant/Tutor working with students at AECL.
During the research project phase, the research team is usually supervised by the scientist on a daily basis as progress is monitored, problems are discussed and safety is reviewed. The scientist also assists the RA/T in helping the DRSA students write their concluding report and present their results.The RA/T and DRSA students are always encouraged to interact with other staff at the laboratory and participate in seminars and colloquia. A series of talks specifically oriented toward the DRSA students on broad scientific topics is presented during the DRSA students’ term at the laboratory. The RA/T also receives considerable guidance on the pedagogical aspects of their work by DRSA staff, including the Principal and the Program Director. Once the students arrive (week 10), the RA/T role shifts into a mentoring position as the students rely on the RA/Ts to guide them through the research and assist with new and difficult tasks and concepts.
Each RA/T receives a standardized course on workplace health and safety, including WHMIS training, on arrival at the laboratory. Training on hazards, equipment and procedures specific to the laboratory in which the research is carried out is provided by the staff scientist and is continuously reinforced during the project. The RA/T is also expected to interact with the DRSA students outside of the laboratory. The DRSA organizes sports matches between the students and the RA/Ts and other social events throughout the summer. The RA/T is encouraged to attend outings such as the trip to Ottawa, the trip to High Falls and Barron Canyon. The RA/T is welcome to have supper with the DRSA students in the evening at camp, and is welcome to the camp facilities.
The RA/T position requires a great deal of planning, dedication and patience to ensure a successful summer for our students. It is a very rewarding position giving the individual the opportunity to gain plenty of research and laboratory experience while also introducing youth to the wonderful world of science!
Interested in applying?
Job Description: 2014 Tutor Job Description (PDF)
Job Application: Summer Employment Application Form 2014 (PDF)
Please note: the application is a fillable PDF form. Please fill in the information online, print a copy and send it by mail.
Deadline to apply is January 31st, 2014!